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18 – 24 July, 2022

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Join us for a 7 days Isha Yoga Retreat in the beautiful countryside in Lithuania. Immerse yourself in daily yoga and meditation practice, start every morning with Guru Pooja, learn to chant the powerful Nirvana Shatakam, experience the power of Nada yoga. Improve your practices and deepen your Sadhana through practice, review and correction sessions with the full support of experienced Isha Hatha Yoga teachers and establish your own daily yoga discipline. Enjoy the delicious vegetarian food prepared following the same principles as in the ashram. And explore the beautiful forest and river nearby.

Cost for Retreat: 799€

Early bird: 715 € until 1. June, 2022

Limited Space, book now!
The price covers all practice, correction and guided yoga sessions (for the Isha yoga programs that you have already learned, including UPA Yoga, Surya Kriya, Angamardana, Yogasanas and Bhuta Shuddhi), Nirvana Shatakam, Nadi Shuddhi,  Aum Chanting, Food Session, as well as food and accommodation. You are welcome to join regardless of your yoga experience.

During the retreat you will also be able to learn additionally Yogasanas Beginner Program for the special retreat price 190€  (instead of 245€) and Bhuta Shuddhi for 120€ (instead of 165€)

Meet your Teachers


Audra, Lithuania

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Mirjam Joyce, Switzerland 

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Filip, Slovakia


Zuzana, Czech Republic

“Yoga is not about twisting your body or standing on your head. It is a technology of wellbeing. Yoga is towards creating a sense of inner fulfillment, where there is no need to lean on anyone or anything.” Sadhguru



12:00 - Arrival/ Check in

12.30 - Juice/Snack

14:00 - Opening Circle

16:00 - Upa Yoga

18:20 - Presence Time

19:00 - Dinner

20:30 - Evening Session



05:30 - Guru Pooja

05:40 - Practice Time

08:30 - Nirvana Shatakam, Bhakti Sadhana

10:00 - Brunch

11:00 - Free time

12:00 - Nadi Schuddhi&Aum Chanting 

12:30 - Snack

14:00 - Free Time/Games

15:30 - Yogasanas Workshop/Guided Session

18:20 - Presence Time

19:00 - Dinner

20:00 - Evening Session

20:30 - Free Time


05:30 - Guru Pooja

05:40 - Practice Time

10:00 - Brunch

11:00 - Closing Circle

12:00 - Farewell

*The schedule might change slightly


7 days, 6 nights program: total Price 799€

Early bird: 715 € until 1. June, 2022

Practices that will be conducted during the Retreat:

  • Upa Yoga (Upa-yoga is a simple yet powerful set of 10 practices that activate the joints, muscles and energy system, bringing ease to the whole system.)

  • Yoga Namaskar (Practice to regenerate the spine)

  • Thoppukarnam (Practice for brain)

  • Bhakti Sadhana (If you use your emotions and try to reach the ultimate, we call this bhakti yoga. That means the path of devotion.)

  • Nadi Shuddhi (A Yogic practice that cleanses the nadis – the pathways through which prana (vital energy) flows – resulting in a balanced system and psychological wellbeing.)

  • Mantra Yoga (Aum Chanting)

  • Nada Yoga (Nirvana Shatakam Chant) According to modern science, the whole existence is a vibration. A vibration is fundamentally a kind of sound. This essentially means that the whole existence is an amalgamation of sounds. In the yogic system, a few of these sounds have been identified as keys to access deeper dimensions life.
    Nada Yoga uses the power of sound to activate a particular kind of energy in different parts of the body, bringing a lasting sense of inner pleasantness. This science of benefiting from certain sounds is a powerful possibility, which when transmitted with the necessary basis and sanctity, creates tremendous wellbeing.

  • Surya Kriya Correction Session

  • Angamardana Correction Session

  • Guided Sessions (Upa Yoga, Yogasanas)

  • Food Session

  • Bhuta Shuddhi (120 €) Bhuta Shuddhi means “purification of the elements,” and is a process of purifying the 5 elements within the human system.

  • Yogasanas Workshop (190 €) Yogasanas are a set of powerful postures through which one can elevate one’s consciousness and manipulate energies.



You organize your journey yourself. It is not included in the retreat price. The main airports are Kaunas and Vilnius. It takes ±1h drive to get to the Venue from Vilnius and ±1h from Kaunas. The location in Google Maps>




The food at our yoga retreat will be all vegan/vegetarian, prepared with seasonal ingredients.


Zen Forest is a center of spiritual seminars located near the river Neris and surrounded by forest.

Triple rooms with private bathrooms.


“A world full of love, light and laughter - its time has come. Let us make it happen.” Sadhguru


When we say “yoga,” we do not mean twisting the body into impossible postures. Yoga means to be in perfect tune. Your body, mind, spirit and the existence are in absolute harmony to the point where everything functions so beautifully within you, the best of your abilities will naturally flow out of you.

Isha Hatha Yoga School founded by Sadhguru, a yogi, mystic and a visionary, delivers classical Hatha Yoga in its full depth and dimension. The programs are an unparalleled opportunity to learn practices derived from a yogic tradition maintained in its full purity and vibrancy for thousands of years.


It is Sadhguru's vision to offer this ancient science in all its purity and make it available to every individual.

As a step towards realizing this vision, we have the privilege and fulfillment of bringing this knowledge to many more people through this Retreat where Yoga will be taught as a living experience in the most beautiful setting of Lithuania.


1. I lam beginner. Is this Retreat for me?

If you have already learned at least one Isha Hatha yoga practice (Upa Yoga, Surya Kriya, Angamardana, Yogasanas or Shambhavi), then this retreat will be a good start to deepen your Sadhana and to learn new Practices.

2. I lam practicing almost all Isha Yoga Practices. Is this Retreat for me?

Definitely! IMBIBE THE POWER OF ISHA HATHA YOGA. Daily Guided Sessions and Correction Sessions will be very supportive for you. 

Glimpses from 2021:

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